Maybe you have seen many websites that tell you can make massive amounts of money in a few weeks. To be honest however you can usually see the first bit of decent money in months, not weeks. I will tell you how I started and what is the best way to start making money online.
Leaving a job to make money online?
I don’t recommend that you leave your job and sit in front of your computer with a vision of thousands of dollars rolling in after few weeks. It’s always better to have a stable income which can cover your living costs. All you need to do is to find a few hours free every evening to take the necessary steps towards your own online income.
I made my first website when I was 14, in those days there was no CMS or themes to get enable websites to be made quickly. So I have been in the industry for some years. I have made many e-commerce sites and online magazines however it wasn’t easy and the money from those sites wasn’t anything life changing. That’s why I have always kept my job. When there were weaker months in my website businesses I always had stable income from my job. I recommend you do the same. Always have backdoors.
My first real money
In 2017 I found an interesting method to make money online. I hadn’t considered running a porn business before because I thought I would have to record some tapes or something like that. In fact, it’s so easy to make money with online porn. I wrote a guide on how to make money uploading porn and earn more than $50 a day where you can learn everything step by step. I highly recommend this method as it’s easy and requires a minimum investment (just a domain for $0.99). It’s better to start with a minimum investment and work to make money online, which you can reinvest.
It took some time, for me it was 3 months until I saw some noticeable money. After 4 months I was making more money online than at my job. However I didn’t leave my job as my porn uploading required just few hours a day. I had enough time to work in day job as well. That means 2 income streams (+ my e-commerce sites) and that’s the most important rule – don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
Don’t put all eggs in one basket
Now, what to do
Now, just pick your method of making money online, work on it in the evenings and in your free time and make your dream of online, passive income come true. I recommend you start with porn uploading but you can find many more types of online business. For example; niche websites, porn tube sites, e-commerce sites, Amazon affiliate sites and many more. I will write about other methods later, but for now, the easiest and fastest way of making money online is my porn uploading method.
Good for you brother ! Yeah many of us spent money and got conned into buying wordpress themes and auto-embed scripts which are NON-REFUNDABLE
Actually if you want to build your own tube site, it is necessary to buy hosting, WP theme etc. (I haven’t tried this method, but I will try it in near future and will write an article about my success/failure with it). But I think this method is good only if you invest in it from money you already earned online. Not your savings etc. The best start is Porn reupload because you just buy domain which is cheap and you can slowly start to earn money that you can reinvest or spend 🙂